Vision/Prophetic words that we received from America's prayer call 4/28/2021~アメリカのとりなしで与えられたビジョン4/28/2021
4月の主の宮 House Of Jesus tripから戻ってまいりました~!今回はとんでもない主の御業が各地で解き放たれた~!!! I am finally back from the April mission trip! This trip was so amazing, I can't help stop praising the Lord Almighty. まず、昨夜のアメリカのとりなしの際に与えられた主のからのビジョン: This is the vision that I received from the Lord during the intercession prayer for America. 海?川?のような水辺がある。 There was a waterside. 独特などこか懐かしい日本の夏の香りがしてくる。 It smelled like a humid Japanese summer, but somehow it was nostalgic for me. この水辺の上にカヤックが波に向かって何隻か浮いている。 There were a few kayaks. 一生懸命漕いでいるカヤックまた、ただ流れに任せて いるカヤックがある。 Some kayaks were pedaling so hard, but some were just flowing with the water. 一生懸命漕ぐカヤック、どんなに頑張っても全く進んでいない。ただただ疲れてしまっている。中には衰退してしまっているのもある、、、。 Kayaks that were pedaling so hard, these were not going forward at all. The people rowing kayaks were drained of energy, so their kayaks started to flow backwords. 流れにただ委ねているカヤック、少しづつだが前へ前へと前進していっている。このカヤックは祈りによって進んでいるのだ。 The kayaks that were flowing with the current kept going little by little. These K...