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Showing posts from October, 2021

Warning for the 3rd shot~ブースターショットに対しての警告!!

霊的に激しい戦いのあった今回のトリップ。 It was very severe spiritual warfare during this trip, but God was always with me.  Californiaに戻る帰りの飛行機で聖霊様に「ブラインドをあげなさ~い」言われてあげたら、、、、雲の中に虹! On the way back to California, my Holy Spirit told me "Open the blind" and I saw a rainbow in the cloud.  創世記 9:13 わたしは雲の中に、わたしの虹を立てる。それはわたしと地との間の契約のしるしとなる。 Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.   10/10/2021 21:00PDT ①アメリカに大きな草履が足音を立てて歩みよってきている。 →目に見えない敵・殺人 I saw huge Zori (Zori is Japanese traditional sandals) that are coming close to people. →Unseen evils 人々がUnnatural Death(不自然死)している姿が見える。 体には斑点がある。クモにかまれたようにポツポツポツと3点。 そして、穏やかな顔でなく、すさまじい形相をしている。 People are starting to die unnaturally and their bodies have three spots as if they have spider bites. When they are dead, the motion of their faces are fierce.  主は言われます。 多くの者達が死に始めます。 知恵・悟りがなかったために。 BoosterShot、3回目のShotに気をつけなさい。 祈りなさい、花嫁よ。 多くの者が敵にいのちを取られてしまう前に、、、。 雄々しくありなさい。 私の民は知恵・悟りがない...

Time to make disciples of Jesus Christ~弟子訓練

 10月のミッショントリップから帰って来ました~!いつも濃厚な各地での礼拝、でも今回はそこに加え神様の私たちを愛するが故の厳しさも体験。すべては主の主権の内にある、そして1つの扉が閉じられた時、主はさらなる扉を開けて下さる~!キリストにある者に失望はなし、常に希望を持って主に祈って行こう~ Finally, I am back from the October mission trip. The worship was amazing and felt God's presence but at the same time, we experienced God's rebuke because he loves us. It is very important to know 'God has all control of every situation.' When God closes the door, he opens the next. We as servants of Christ, we always have HOPE in Christ!  ヨブ1:21 そして言った、「わたしは裸で母の胎を出た。また裸でかしこに帰ろう。主が与え、主が取られたのだ。主のみ名はほむべきかな」。 Job 1;21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. こちらアメリカのとりなしで2日連続で主が2人の預言者に与えられた幻~ These are the visions the Lord gave 2 prophecies in 2 days straight... 10/23/2021 21:00 PDT ①花嫁の腕の中に赤ちゃんがいる。泣き叫んでいる赤ちゃん。 ひたすらあやす花嫁。 ミルクをあげおむつを交換しお世話している花嫁。 花嫁の心からの献身によってすくすく育ってゆく赤ちゃん。 そして、この赤ちゃんも成人し赤ちゃんを腕の中に抱いている。 The b...

Proclaim Fasting~ 断食を布告せよ。

    断食を布告せよ。 Proclaim Fasting アメリカの民に断食を布告せよ。 心を引き裂いて祈れ。 心を尽くして、涙をもって祈れ。 Proclaim Fasting to the Nation of America.  Rend your heart and pray hard. Pour out your heart and pray with tears... あたえられたみことば ヨエル2:1 シオンで角笛を吹きならし、 わたしの聖なる山でときの声をあげよ。 この地に住むすべての者は、わななけ。 主の日が来るからだ。その日は近い。 Joel 2:1 "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;" こちら10/6/2021のアメリカのとりなしの時に主から頂いたお言葉。 よって10/10/2021~40日間断食を持って主の御前で祈ります~! アメリカまた日本から多くのキリストにある者たちが断食をもち、愛する家族そして友人知人のためまた置かれている国のためにとりなしま~す。 This is the word of God, we received the Intercession Prayer for America on 10/6/2021. Due to this, we are going on fasting for 40 days since 10/10/2021 and pray.  If you are interested please contact us (email is below). Pray for your family, friends, and country where you were born or currently living, etc.  This is the time to face the Lord and pray!  Are you ready?...

Man keeps running away from God Part 3~Man finally guided by Jesus!

1) There is the man, he is still running away from the light.  2) The man says "I'm so tired of it. There is nothing good even following to the Lord" 3) The man hides his head, but his butt is not hidden. The light is still there.  4) The man put his head where no one can find it.  5) Jesus says to the man "Come out, come out." But the man answered to Jesus "NO~!" He hears the voice of the Lord.  6) The man was overwhelmed and stressed enough and tears comes down from his eyes.  7) The Lord was not mad at him at all. He was just worried about him.  The Lord said "My child, why did you not come to me more early? I had been worrying about you." The Lord stands by the man. 8) The man finally comes out the Lord from behind the curtain as he cries. 9) Jesus hugged him tightly.  10) "Why don't you come to me and talk to me? Why are you trying to solve problems by yourself? Why don't you trust in me?" the Lord said.  11) It is like...

Man keeps running away from God Part 2 ~ Captured Man

 1) Again, the man is running away from the light. 2) "No more God!" the man is against God.  Because satan is still sitting on his head. That's why he is still running away from the light. 3) The man falls into a deep hole and can not move.  4)  Satan put the lid over the hole. Finally, the man is captured by Satan, due to being unfaithful to God, and disobedient. 5) "So what about now?"  Satan takes the man and the man becomes a captive. 6) "What's next?" The man is trapped, so the man can not do anything no more.  The man can not hear God's voice anymore.  Jesus can not go there, even Jesus wants to go there and rescue, he can not.  7) The man is taken to the Kingdom of Satan and fed nasty food by Satan.  The man is getting worse and worse... But the man thinks, whenever I want to be out from this hole, I can.  He is living in a lie.  "How is he able to be out from this trap?" 8) Jesus send his soldiers to him. 9) These soldiers ...

Man keeps running away from God Part 1 ~Mentally Illness

  1 ) A man is running away from the light. 2) The man keeps running away from The light and Satan.  The man can not think anymore, and he said "I am sick of it!!!!!!" 3) The man finally arrived at the shadow of the valley.  4) But, wherever he is trying to escape, there is always the light of the Lord and Demon.  5) There are 2 choices, either choose God's side or Demon's side. The men is getting have a  mental sickness. Because Satan sits on his head.  If you are not with God, you are with Satan. People do not get this at all. 6) There is another man, he is trying to reach out to the man.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."  7) The man takes Jesus's hand. This means, my trust in Jesus Christ.  "Stand up, America!" Amen, Hallelujah All glory to the Lord Almighty!  ~House OF Jesus in US Schedule~ ⁂ House...