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Showing posts from December, 2021

Last day of 2021~2021年最後の日

 2021年も残り、数日。。。 2021 will end in a few more days... 詩編103:2 わがたましいよ。主をほめたたえよ。主の良くしてくださったことを何一つ忘れるな。 Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: さぁ、2022年も主の大いなる御業に期待だ~! Let's see what God has stored in 2022!!!!! 1) There is a huge whale. The whale seems to be preventing a man's way.  Book of Jonah was opened! 2) There is a voice from above saying "Don't give up!" 3) Due to the voice from above, the man lost his escaping way and turn around... 4) The man headed to Nineveh. The man is finally going where he is supposed to go. We all have callings from God.  The man is preaching "If the Nineveh does not change the way, this town will perish." People are surprising. 5) There is a man running very fast saying "No way!"  His donkey also runs. 6) There is a man who tells the king in a town.  The king was also surprised. 7) The man declares fasting to everyone! 'But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mig...

Love of Christmas~クリスマスの愛

先日、とあるところのギフトカードを頂いて。 During the last mission trip, I received one of the gift cards from one of my sisters in Christ. 『あれ、ここのお店はもう神様にお捧げしているのに~』と思っていたところ、主人がポッロッと一言。 Though I do not go to this coffee shop for such a long time, due to God told me years ago that "The coffee shop's drink and food will affect you spiritually." But when I told my husband about the gift card, he told me 『〇〇のホリデードリンク毎年飲んでいるんだよね。』と。 "Every year I like to drink one time their holiday drink!" そう、頂いたギフトカードは主人が毎年ホリデードリンクを飲んでいる所のだったのだ~! The gift card I received was from the coffee shop where my husband enjoys their holiday drink every year!  なんと優しいダディ♡たらふく飲めるほどダディが与えてくれた。 Our God is such lovingkindness, he knows what we love, and rewards us.    すべての栄光は主にあれ~ !! All the glory to the Lord almighty!  1) There is a person standing on the night of Christmas. 2) "Are you going on date with your loved ones on Christmas? Are you having a party with your friends on Christmas? Are you spending ti...

Believe! ~信じる心

へブル11:1 信仰は望んでいる事柄を保証し、目に見えないものを確信させるものです。 Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  1) There is a pyramid. 2) There is a statue of an animal. 3) The statue does not have a nose. The nose was cut off and the statue of the animal is crying. 4) Jesus is sitting next to the statue of the animal, laying his hands on and showing his compassion. James 4:6 "Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." 5) There is a bird on the tree. The bird has a huge red beak.  6) The bird got shoot and fall onto the ground.  7) Jesus is taking care of the bird. Jesus helps weak / meek people. 8) Jesus takes care of the bird until the bird completely heals.  "Jesus is the refuge for weak / meek"  9) There is a solid person.  Proverbs 31:8 "Her candle goes not our by night." Jesus is looking at her.  10) There is a man who is with harlot.  Proverbs 6:26 "For by means of a whorish wom...

Count your blessings~主の恵みを数えよ。

 コロサイ1:16-17 なぜなら、万物は御子にあって造られたからです。天にあるもの、地にあるもの、見えるもの、また見えないもの、王座も主権も支配も権威も、すべて御子によって造られたのです。万物は、御子によって造られ、御子のために造られたのです。御子は、万物よりも先に存在し、万物は御子にあって成り立っています。 Colossians 1:16-17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 2021.12.20 アメリカの祈りです。 12/20/2021 Prayer for America 1.道がありました。 There is a path. 2.女の子が歩いていました。 A girl is walking. 3.道端にあちこちに、お花が植えられていました。 There are a lot of flowers on the side of the path.  4.女の子、道を歩いていて目標方向を見ているときは、 そのお花に気づきませんでした。 While the girl is walking toward her goal, she is not aware of these flowers. 5.しかし、目標方向にあるきつつも ふと立ち止まって見たとき、 But when she stops for a second,  6.後ろを見たとき、 道端にある数たくさんの花があることに 気づきました。 When she is looking back at where she came from,  she notices there were a lot of flowers that are blooming. 7.『数えてみよ。主の恵み』ときま...

Prayer for Civil War~南北戦争跡地とりなし

 2021年のミッショントリップも無事終え、、、カリフォルニアへ戻ってきました~! Finally, my last mission trip in 2021 was completed and I am back in California.  が寒い。。。ベイエリア、ダウンジャケットが必要な程寒~い!アリゾナのポカポカ気候が恋しい♡ But, it has been very cold here in the bay area, so I have to wear a big winter jacket... ひょいとしたことから、扉が開かれた南北戦争のとりなし。主が、1つ1つ扉を開けて行ってくださっている。 By the way, Jesus opened the door for prayer for, civil war battlefilds. In the prayer, the holy spirit guides us where to go..... 最初に向かったのはテネシーのマーフリースボロ。ストーンリバー跡地。 First, we headed to Stone River Battlefield in Murfreesboro, TN.  ここで、ダディが一言。 God told me a very important thing;  南北戦争は確かにこの世においては終わっている、が霊の世界ではまだ続行されていた! という衝撃な事実。 The Civil War was already ended a long time ago, but in the spiritual realm, it still continued as of right now.  霊の目で、確かにそこでまだ大砲を打とうとしてた兵士の腕をつかまれたイエス様が、「もう、止めなさい」の一言でこの兵士は南北戦争がもう終えていることを悟ってイエス様に腕を引かれていっていた。 God opened my spiritual eyes and showed me the vision; There were still soldiers who are shooting cannons. But Jesus grab the ...

Visions and Prophetic word from prayer calls ~各地の祈り会で与えられた啓示

 アメリカのとりなし以外にも、ラインを繋ぎ毎日、日本の各都道府県、イスラエル、中国、オーストラリア等のためにもとりなしている。共に祈りたい方、是非是非連絡くださーい♡ We have prayer sessions every day for America, Japan (Each prefecture), Israel, China, Australia, etc... If you would like to join and pray together, you are more than welcome to reach out to us.      こちら各地の祈り会で予見者たちに与えられたビジョン: These are visions and prophetic words the Lord gave to His elect;  2021/11/23(火)コロラドの祈り 11/23/2021 Prayer for Colorado 掃除機が見えました。 There is a vacuum. 掃除機がゴミをたくさん吸っていました。 The vacuum is picking up a lot of dust. 掃除機をしているのは、イエスさまで Jesus is cleaning up with the vacuum, コロラドの罪を吸い取っているのだと思いました。 And cleaning up Colorado's sins. ◯このビジョンに対してみことばをください。 主イエス•キリストを着なさい。欲望を満たそうと、 肉の心を用いてはいけません。 ローマ13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Romans 13:14 11/24/2021 Prayer for India   "Scar on the elephant's forehead" 1) There are wild elephants that have scars...