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Showing posts from January, 2022

Walk like Abraham~アブラハムのように生きる

 2022年も始まりました~! How is your 2022 going so far? I pray everyone has a blessed 2022. 年末に主人が運ばれ、今もICUに。。。 End of 2021, my husband went to ER (We called an ambulance) and he is still in ICU. 信仰が試され、忍耐を要され、、、ダディー!!!と叫びつづけてた年明け。 Needless to say, this is one of the tough times in my life. Also, I do know that God is a way maker and this time God is testing our faith in him.  とある姉妹に、『アブラハムがイサクを捧げたように、ご主人もダディにお捧げする』 One of my sisters in Christ told me "Like Abraham gave Isaac to God, you have to give your husband to God (Do not hold him as your husband, but let him go. Because he is God's child. While you are holding him, God can not do anything, so let him go! )" と言われ、、、早速 So, I prayed ❝お捧げします。ダディの思う彼にとって最善をなしてください❞ "I give my husband to you, God. I do not hold him as my husband no more. He is your child. Do the best for him and I believe you will be done for him." と祈った。 そして、シャワーを浴びていたら聖霊様が、お一言。 ❝あなた、アブラハムのように信仰の者になりたい。信仰で歩む者にしてください❞ と祈ったよね?と。そして私が祈ってた御言葉までもご丁寧に引用してくれて、...