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Take God as your priority ~ 一番大切にすべきもの

そういえば去年の9月にトロントで行われたCatch the Fire というイベントがあって参加したんだけれども、LAに向かう日が日曜日(聖日)だったのね。でも私、数年前に

I remember, in September 2019, I joined the Catch the Fire Conference in Toronto, and when I headed to Los Angeles it was on Sunday (Sabbath day). But I read a few years ago


Isaiah 58:13-14

If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. The mouth of the LORD has spoken.


Since I read this, I decided not to use money and give this day to the Lord almighty God. But it was Sunday when I was headed to Los Angeles from Toronto, and I fast for breakfast, I was pretty hungry at the airport. Our merciful Father in heaven allowed me to buy Salad using my credit card.  Though I really wanted to eat a sandwich and french fries, the salad was delicious. After finishing my salad, I wanted some sweets like coffee and cookies from Starbucks. But the verse I was getting was not like God's will at all. So I went to Starbucks and said in my heart "Give this coffee and cookies to you, daddy" and walked away. But the gentleman who was standing in front of me told the cashier lady ' I will buy her coffee' It happened right after I gave to my father in heaven. Next second, my holy spirit said ' I want some cookies too' and the gentlemen told me ' whatever you like : ) ' and literally God provided me the coffee and cookies through the men.  


When you take God as your priority, that makes him pleased and blesses you. When you wake up, stop checking your phone, but spend some time with Father in heaven, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit.


3/2 モスク 祈りの歩行
         Mosque   Prayer walk

3/3 Cathedral Church  祈りの歩行
         Cathedral Church Prayer walk

3/5 アーケディア小学校 祈りの歩行(援護)
        Elementary School in Arcadia CA Prayer walk (Support)

3/6 Alameda Courthouse  祈りの歩行
          Alameda Courthouse  Prayer walk

3/7 ホームレスミニストリー
         Homeless Ministry

3/9 アーケディア小学校 祈りの歩行(援護)
         Elementary School in Arcadia CA Prayer walk (Support)

3/14 ホームレスミニストリー
            Homeless Ministry

3/17 明治神宮 祈りの歩行(援護) 
            Meiji Jingu in Japan (Shinto Shrine)  Prayer walk/drive (Support)

3/18 フェローシップ in Petaluma CA
           Fellowship in Petaluma CA

3/28 ホームレスミニストリー
           Homeless Ministry



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