ついに9/24、ハウスオブジーザス アリゾナが立ち上がりました~! 主の御業が解き離れた~!! Finally, House Of Jesus Arizona started on September 24th. His mighty works were just amazing... ~My Social Media~ Facebook Follow Me on Twitter Instagram 礼拝前日に到着早々、家の周りをプレイヤードライブ。そして家に飾ってあった多くの偶像(スピリチュアルに関わるもの、兜等)を深夜2時までかかり呪を断ち切りお庭で焼く~!この作業の後家の中の空気がガラッと変わる。ただの置物、でもそこから発せられていた呪いがどれほど影響を与えていたかを思い知らされました~! Before the big day, we went on a prayer drive around my sister in Christ's neighborhood in Arizona. Also, we burned all the idols which were related to the spiritual realm (There were some idols that can not be burned, those went to trash) after we cut curse from those idols. It took until 2 am to completely finish, but we felt the atmosphere in the house was dramatically changed! People think ' It's just object' but it's more than that. It actually releases the curses that affecting you and your family. 礼拝当日。主が連れてきてくださったお二人。なんと、このお二方信仰告白へと導かれた~!!!多くの方に声をかけて下さったらしいが、主が選ばれたこの2人。確かにそうだ、メッセージもルカの15と示されていて、すべてがドンピシャであ...