息のあるものはみな、主をほめたたえよ。ハレルヤ。 詩編150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 150:6 3/11から東部とりなしを含めHOJ USのトリップへ出ていた~。ワシントンDCそしてNYを含め11の州議事堂を主と共に祈りの歩行をしてきた。主のなさる御業、それはなんと美しい事か~! I was on the monthly House Of Jesus mission trip, but this month I and the followers of Jesus Christ went to the east coast states due to God's will. What did we do in the east coast states? We did a prayer walk/drive for a total of 11 states' capitol including NY, Manhattan, and D.C. 先月HOJアリゾナの奏楽者であるTさんが脳腫瘍の手術を受けるという事で、今月ついにお会いすることができた。私たちは、主の癒しが彼女に起こるようにラインを通じて70名以上の花嫁が彼女の癒しのために祈ってきた。医療には限界がある、でも私たちの主は何でもできるお方。 In February, Ms. T (who always came to HOJ Arizona worship) had surgery for her brain tumor. I finally was able to meet her after the surgery. We, more than 70 brides of Jesus Christ, had been prayed for her heavily over the Line. There is a limitation for the medical or what Dr. can do, but there is nothing impossible for Jesus Christ! 長い間、脳腫瘍と診断されていて2年前にも脳腫瘍摘出...