Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
Psalm 150:6
3/11から東部とりなしを含めHOJ USのトリップへ出ていた~。ワシントンDCそしてNYを含め11の州議事堂を主と共に祈りの歩行をしてきた。主のなさる御業、それはなんと美しい事か~!I was on the monthly House Of Jesus mission trip, but this month I and the followers of Jesus Christ went to the east coast states due to God's will. What did we do in the east coast states? We did a prayer walk/drive for a total of 11 states' capitol including NY, Manhattan, and D.C.
In February, Ms. T (who always came to HOJ Arizona worship) had surgery for her brain tumor. I finally was able to meet her after the surgery. We, more than 70 brides of Jesus Christ, had been prayed for her heavily over the Line. There is a limitation for the medical or what Dr. can do, but there is nothing impossible for Jesus Christ!
When I heard this testimonial from her, I told her " Jesus healed you! Praise the Lord" and at the same time her face was filled with a lot of joy and also I saw the confidence in her that she accepted deeply that her tumor was completely GONE!!!!
Malachi 4:2
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
ヨハネ 3:27
John 3:27
John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
~House OF Jesus in US Schedule~
4/19 Phoenix, Arizona (HOJ Arizona Bible study at 18:00pm)
4/20 Phoenix, Arizona (HOJ Arizona Worship at 11:00am )
4/21 Fellowship in Elizabeth town in KY at 11:00-
4/22 Fellowship in Knoxville in TN
4/23 Nashville, Tennessee (HOJ Nashville Worship at 10:30am)
4/25 HOJ USA worship at TBA
4/26 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Bible study at TBA)
4/27 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas worship at TBA)
キリストの花嫁のための祈り: 火曜日23:00~24:00 (パシフィックタイム)
Prayer for Brides of Christ: Tuesday 23:00~24:00 (Pacific Time)
If you would like to join the intercession prayer for America, please send me an Email.
We are praying for one hour every morning and night! If you have a burden for America or would like to pray for America, contact me today! I will add you to the group : ) Let's pray for America together
Matthew 9:37-38
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
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