NYCでワクチンパスポートの提示が必要となったと思ったら、ここベイエリアでもワクチンパスポート提示が必要になったようだ!日に日に主のお迎えが近づいてきている、、、準備はできているだろうか?? In NYC, the vaccination passport is requiring to enter some public spaces, but here in the Bay area also started to show the vaccination shot to enter restaurants and movies, etc. Every day it is getting closer to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, is coming back for his brides. Are you ready? アメリカのとりなしの際に日本在住の預言者/予見者に与えられたビジョン: Here is the vision that one of the prophecy / Seer received who lives in Japan during the prayer session: 1) Airplane is flying! 2) Vaccine passport is finally issued. At the airport, a lion and giraffe are standing and they are wearing sunglasses. 3) There is a green circle on the vaccine passport and also numbers. 4) There is an Electronic sound, This is the sound from scanning on the forehead. 5) All of their information is shown on the computer, such as your nationalities, relationships, religions...It is like a Facebook page profile. 6) Ther...