Students are going back to school now!
In the Los Angeles area, all students have to take PCR tests once a week and show the result to the school. Also, college students who have not received the vaccination, have to take the PCR tests once a week and show the negative results to the schools.
Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, your mercy will come upon America. I pray that each one of us will keep strong no matter what circumstance we are in, in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you would like to join the intercession prayer for America, please send me an Email.
We are praying for one hour every morning and night! If you have a burden for America or would like to pray for America, contact me today! I will add you to the group : ) Let's pray for America together
This vision was given by Jesus to the seer who lives in Japan ;
1) There is a door. The lady was looking outside from inside.
2) The face is Jesus Christ.
3) But the left bottom looks like a beast.
4) The Jesus who had a Demon's tail said
"This is me, my beloved daughter. Can you open the door for me?"
9) It gets quiet suddenly.
Then the lady opens the door, there were pieces of demons that were rebuked by the prayer.
10) The Holy Spirit helps us and guides us.
John 16:7-8
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment."
This is the Video, John Ramirez preached at the conference in Japan. And he was preaching about the Spirit of Jezebel.
~House OF Jesus in US Schedule~
8/18 Phoenix, Arizona (HOJ Arizona Worship at 11:00am)
8/23 HOJ Nashville
9/9-9/17 Colorado Mission Trip
9/15 Phoenix, Arizona
9/16 Los Angeles, California
キリストの花嫁のための祈り: 火曜日23:00~24:00 (パシフィックタイム)
Prayer for Brides of Christ: Tuesday 23:00~24:00 (Pacific Time)
If you would like to join the intercession prayer for America, please send me an Email.
We are praying for one hour every morning and night! If you have a burden for America or would like to pray for America, contact me today! I will add you to the group : ) Let's pray for America together
Matthew 9:37-38
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
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