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Showing posts from November, 2021

Righteous judgement / Hands from darkness~正しいジャッジ/暗闇の手

  ★★★★★ ~House OF Jesus in US Schedule~ ⁂ House Of Jesusは移動式礼拝も行ってまーす!⁂ お体が不自由な方々、どうしても近隣のHouse Of Jesus へ集えない方 是非是非ご連絡ください~! House Of Jesus, we are also offering you mobile worship service for those who can not come to any nearby House Of Jesus in the US, due to disabilities, medical conditions, or any other reasons... Please contact us via email or text message! We are looking forward to hearing from you! 626-488-0817 12/8  Fellowship in Murfreesboro, TN 12/9  HOJ Nashville 12/14  HOJ Arizona at 11:00am  *New Location* 詳細についてのご連絡は626-488-0817までテキストしてくださーい! For details, please contact me at 626-488-0817.  Announcement   Daylight Saving Time has ended on November 7th, 2021, our bible study and prayer time have changed : )  New Schedules are below ↓ Time: Sunday at 7:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm (Pacific Time)      Learning From John Time: Tuesday at 10:30 am ~ 12:00 am (Pacific Time)  ...

Ark Encounter in Kentucky~ノアの箱舟博物館

 今月のトリップでずーっと行きたかったケンタッキー州にあるノアの箱舟の博物館に、主がついに連れて行ってくださった。実寸大の大きさで、中も細部まで良く再現されていた! Finally, God took me to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky where I wanted to go for a long time. The ark was life-size and very detailed.  まだイエス様を知らない人も、主とともに歩む者もみんなが学べる場所~。 Even if you do not believe in Jesus Christ yet, or you already walk with Jesus, this place is made for everyone. You can learn and enjoy. 中を見学しつつとりなし祈り、外からも激しくこの場所が主に用いられるように祈ったよ~! While we looked around the exhibitions inside as we prayed, we also pray from the outside in Jesus Christ's name.  最初箱舟の中に入った時、天のお父さんの悲しみが伝わってきた。 『まだ、用意のできている者は少ないのだよ~。(箱舟のなかはスッカスカなのだよ~)』と。 でも最後に外から祈った時、多くの者が救いへの道へ入って行くのが見えた! Once, we stepped into the Ark, I felt God's feeling which was more likely sadness from him. "Not so many of my children are ready yet....." But when we prayed from the outside, there are so many people coming to the way of salvation!! ハレルヤ、主の御名を褒めたたえまーす! Praised the Lord,  All glory to the highest!!  11/10/2021 22:0...

The blessing and the curse~祝福と呪い

1) Reddish-brown color soup is boiling.  2) The lady who made this soup gives the soup to a woman who sits next to her saying,  "Tomorrow, let's eat your children" 3) "Culture of Cannibal"  People have been practicing Cannibalism since a long time ago, and still, continue doing it even nowadays. 4) 'And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh on thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee:'  ~Duetoronomy 28:53 If you do not follow God and do not keep his commandments that are written in the Bible, the curse will come upon you and you will be cursed.  Eating own children/ child, this is extremely cursed...   4) If we do not repent, we will perish. It is written in the Bible.  But if we come to the Lord, the blessing will be pouring onto us.  'And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in ...

Announced by God, the day to move to Colorado~ついに赴任命令が下された!!!

 11月のミッショントリップは盛だくさん~! I'm back from November's mission trip! This month's trip was so amazing... トリップ中にずーっと『1/23』という数字が来ていた。そしてナシュビルからアリゾナへ移動の時今回はDenver空港で乗り継ぎで、そこを発つ時、お三方がプラカードをもたれ空港の屋根に座られているのが見えた。そのプラカードには日本語で『1月23日』と、、、。 During this trip, I had been receiving the number "1/23" in my head. When I was on the way from Nashville, TN to Phoenix, AZ, I had a layover at Denver International airport. Long story short, when the airplane was about to take off to Phoenix, I saw in the spiritual realm that the "Three in one and One in Three (God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit)" were sitting on the airport roof and holding huge placards saying in Japanese "1月23日 (January 23 rd)" 祈り求めていたコロラドに、ついに主が私たちを遣わしてくださる日、、、!! This is the day, God will send us to Colorado for his will. コロラドへの赴任命令が正式なものへと、、、。 コロラドにおいて主のなされることに期待しよう~! I can not wait to see what God has stored for Colorado! If you are living in Colorado, reach out to us : )  2021.11.9アメリカの祈りです。 Prayer for A...

River of the Revival~リバイバルの川

 今、主からお呼びにかかったキリストに仕える花嫁が10/10~40日間断食をし祈りに徹している。共に祈りた~いという方、是非是非ごれんらくくださーい! Currently (10/10/2021~), we are on 40 days fasting to focus on prayer. If you are interested in fasting and praying, you are more than welcome to join us! Contact us from the email below; ★★ Check out the Blog post;    Proclaim Fasting 断食を布告せよ 1) There is a girl who is walking away from a mountain.  The mountain looks made of sand.  2) But it was actually made of gold dust.  It is representing 'wealth and riches in this world.' 3) There is a drop of water on the ceiling.  4) The drop of water is falling to the ground.  5) The next moment, the drop of water became a flood. 6) The Flood reaches the end of the earth. 7) The girl was just floating in the water in the beginning,  but as time goes by, she starts moving in the water. 8) Now the hat she was wearing was Off. Her mindset changes.  9) Her winter clothes are off. She use...