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Showing posts from March, 2022

I am back to do God's will~召命を果たすために戻ってきました。

気づいたらもう3月。。。みなさま、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?? We are already in March. Time goes very fast. How are you guys doing? 突然、主人の食道破裂においての緊急入院から、重症感染症におかされ、重篤患者となり生死をさまよい、、、まさに信仰をためされた、この3か月。それと同時に体験したこと、それは【神に不可能はない】ということ。 Due to my husband's esophagus being torn, his being hospitalized, and what happens next was his multiple organs failed (as far as his kidney, it completely stopped working. But now grace of God, his kidney is working perfectly and does not require dialysis anymore! Praise the Lord, the God of a healer!). Needless to say, he was in a critical condition and he was walking the valley of death.  These 3 months of 2022 were very hard and our faith was tested every single day, but we experienced something very important; 【There is nothing impossible to God】 マタイ19:26 イエスは彼らをじっと見て言われた。「それは人にはできないことです。しかし、神にはどんなことでもできます。」 Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. 実は1月の下旬に主人のDrから「延命治療について話がでていた。または緩和ケアへの移行を...