ハレルヤー!先日西海岸のとりなしで書いてアップした記事が見事に消された!!サタンのやつ、、、。近いうちに書きまーす。 Hallelujah~! I uploaded my blog about the mission trip to San Diego/ Los Angeles last week, but Satan deleted my post completely and I could not find it anymore. So I am going to write about the trip again sometime soon. Stay tuned, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. ~West Coast Ministry July2020~ 西海岸とりなし其の一 Prayer At Mexican Border ~My Social Media~ Facebook Follow Me on Twitter Instagram トリップが終わり、すごい攻撃にあっていた。苦しくってなんか窒息寸前。でもある日、とある姉妹の一言で気づいた。 After the trip, I had been attacked by the enemy so hard, even I was sleeping at night. I felt like the enemy was constantly punching my stomach 24/7 and I also felt a choking spirit... But one day, I noticed something very important due to one of the sisters in Christ told me: Die to the flesh completely! 自我に死に切れていないことに。要するに首が完全に切られておらず、まだ残っている状態。そりゃ、痛いわ。苦しいわ。。。 I thought I died to my flesh, but it did not. It's like the head was not completely chopped off, but still hanging ther...