Hallelujah~! I uploaded my blog about the mission trip to San Diego/ Los Angeles last week, but Satan deleted my post completely and I could not find it anymore. So I am going to write about the trip again sometime soon. Stay tuned, Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
~West Coast Ministry July2020~
西海岸とりなし其の一 Prayer At Mexican Border
~My Social Media~
After the trip, I had been attacked by the enemy so hard, even I was sleeping at night. I felt like the enemy was constantly punching my stomach 24/7 and I also felt a choking spirit... But one day, I noticed something very important due to one of the sisters in Christ told me: Die to the flesh completely!
I thought I died to my flesh, but it did not. It's like the head was not completely chopped off, but still hanging there. That was why, I feel pain, and the suffering continues.
I thought 'Die to the flesh' means denying all my flesh thoughts, feelings, and thinking and put everything into God's hands. But this time, my holy spirit told me 'Die to the flesh' means be ONE with father in heaven, Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit. If there still remains your flesh ways, you can't be ONE with them.
Then my holy spirit told me that I still have Spirits of Fear in me.
Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Especially me, I had fear of financial situations, and how other people thought about me, etc. I thought the spirit of fear was gone, but deep inside, those feelings were very well hidden. Because If I truly say I let all those feelings go, there is no way I feel anxiety, worries, and trouble in my heart.
Since that morning, I repented deeply and confessed one by one and took off the weight from my shoulders. Of course, I felt pain in the spiritual realm, but at the same time, I felt Jesus delivering me from this hidden bondage. Hallelujah!
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Right after this, God opens another door for me. If we are holding onto the flesh, God can not use us for his kingdom. Once we let it go into God's hands, God will bring us to the next steps. As the end-time approaches, what Jesus expects all of his brides to do is die to the flesh completely!
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Bible Study Announcement
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