We are already in July! How are my brothers and sisters in Christ doing?
~My Social Media~
Though we are in July, Churches in California are forbidding singing and chanting...
訳) カリフォルニアで教会に出席できるが、歌う事(つまり賛美)はできない州は急速なコロナ流行の悪化のため、一時的に賛美そしてチャンティング(異言の祈り)禁止!
(CNN)While you can still attend in-person church services in California, you can't sing. The state, to curb a rapidly worsening pandemic, has temporarily banned singing and chanting in places of worship.
It said "temporarily" in the article (From CNN. The original article, click here! ) but we don't know the truth (It may NOT be "temporarily" like it said). But what it actually says in the bible about singing and chanting (Praying in tongue). This is where we have to focus on what the bible says NOT what the government says.
Now how people are giving tithes offerings and having communion? Giving tithes offering is very very important. Before I learned how much it is important to give God tithes from the first fruits, I wasn't giving him 1/10 tithes from the first fruits. So needless to say, I could not receive any blessing from God, not only that I was dead broke! But once I start to give him 1/10 tithes (sometimes even more), God starts pouring out a lot of blessings!
Also, most of the churches have communion once a month, but early churches (Book of Acts) they were breaking bread EVERY DAY
The Acts 2:46
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
As it says, I and my husband are having communion every morning (Sometimes I have another communion before I go to bed.) Having communion every day, our spirits getting energy and also feel more protection from God. I remember when I came here to Oakland this January, I brought two small packs of grape juice for communion!
Time is getting near and near.
Since July 13th We are going on to mission trip to Southern California. Pray that God glory upon Southern California!
We are already in July! How are my brothers and sisters in Christ doing?
~My Social Media~
Though we are in July, Churches in California are forbidding singing and chanting...
訳) カリフォルニアで教会に出席できるが、歌う事(つまり賛美)はできない州は急速なコロナ流行の悪化のため、一時的に賛美そしてチャンティング(異言の祈り)禁止!
(CNN)While you can still attend in-person church services in California, you can't sing. The state, to curb a rapidly worsening pandemic, has temporarily banned singing and chanting in places of worship.
Psalm 150:6
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
Psalm 22:3
But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel
Psalm 150:6
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
Psalm 22:3
But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel
1Corinthians 14:39
Wherefore,brethren, cover to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
Wherefore,brethren, cover to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
訳) 捧げもののお皿(献金のお皿)や似たようなアイテム(聖餐式のパンとブドウジュース)を礼拝時に人々の間で渡り巡らせるのを一時的に廃止する
Offering plates and similar items that move between people at places of worship have also been temporarily discontinued.
訳) 捧げもののお皿(献金のお皿)や似たようなアイテム(聖餐式のパンとブドウジュース)を礼拝時に人々の間で渡り巡らせるのを一時的に廃止する
Offering plates and similar items that move between people at places of worship have also been temporarily discontinued.
Now how people are giving tithes offerings and having communion? Giving tithes offering is very very important. Before I learned how much it is important to give God tithes from the first fruits, I wasn't giving him 1/10 tithes from the first fruits. So needless to say, I could not receive any blessing from God, not only that I was dead broke! But once I start to give him 1/10 tithes (sometimes even more), God starts pouring out a lot of blessings!
マラキ 3:10
Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Also, most of the churches have communion once a month, but early churches (Book of Acts) they were breaking bread EVERY DAY
使徒の働き 2:46
The Acts 2:46
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
As it says, I and my husband are having communion every morning (Sometimes I have another communion before I go to bed.) Having communion every day, our spirits getting energy and also feel more protection from God. I remember when I came here to Oakland this January, I brought two small packs of grape juice for communion!
Time is getting near and near.
Since July 13th We are going on to mission trip to Southern California. Pray that God glory upon Southern California!
Bible Study Announcement
Time: Sunday at 8:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Would you like to join us? Please email at EnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com
パシフィックタイム 日曜日8:00 pm (日本時間:月曜日12:00pm )
参加希望の方はEnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com まで。
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