It has been almost 2 weeks since I came to Oakland, California.
On January 29th, I did a prayer walk ( Joshua 6) around where I and my husband currently live and it shifted the spiritual area from Satan to Jesus Christ. But it also started Satan's attack after the prayer walk, it was very severe (Satan used my husband a lot to break me down). Because they wanted to stop me from doing God's will here in Oakland. It had been a very hard time for me, and I could not go on in fervent prayer because it was hard for me to just seek God's presence. One morning, I screamed in my room "Where are you, Jesus?", but there was no response, I felt an emptiness. The same day afternoon, I went to walk by the lake, sit on the bench, then take a brief look upon the sky. Guess what, I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky that I have never seen before in my life. It seems like Jesus is telling me that I am here with you Always.
When you feel like quitting/giving up on any situations that you are facing, or you are in severe spiritual battle or persecuted by your loved one, family and friends because you believe Jesus Christ, Remember the Lord Jesus Christ is ALWAYS with you and never leave you alone.
創世記9:13 私は雲の中に、わたしの虹を立てる。それはわたしと地との間の契約のしるしとなる。
Genesis9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between, me and the earth.
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