Halleluiah~!How are you doing? I hope you are doing great by God's grace.
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1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ok, Praying without ceasing... but what about while I sleep??
My holy spirit told me, just pray and ask ' keep pray for me while I sleep'
When we stop praying or not praying enough, Satan starts to attack us and steal the blessing from our Father in Heaven.
What hit me hard was, when you receive a blessing you are happy, but most of them are stolen by the enemy, so you are actually receiving only part of it.
Time: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 am~
Would you like to join us? Please email at EnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com
パシフィックタイム 火曜日11:30~ と 木曜日11:30~
参加希望の方はEnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com まで。
Email: EnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com
Halleluiah~!How are you doing? I hope you are doing great by God's grace.
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Lately, I learned deeply from one of the scriptures.
Lately, I learned deeply from one of the scriptures.
1テサロニケ 5:17
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.
This is a very short scripture, but also a very powerful one.
This is a very short scripture, but also a very powerful one.
We are fighting with principalities of evils that we can't see with our physical eyes.
We are fighting with principalities of evils that we can't see with our physical eyes.
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We as a worrier of Christ, we are fighting every moment.
ここに来た時、今住んでいるところの祈りの歩行もした、でも最近霊的に重い感じがしていた。そして再度いや、3回目の歩行をした(2回目は血潮でのきよめのみ)。この歩行をしている時に聖霊様が教えてくれた。サタンも必死であること。だからきよめ続けなさいと。(つまり定期的な祈りの歩行) と、同時に祈りも同じでダディに求めた物が地上にくる(実際に受け取る)までに途中でサタンに盗まれてしまっていると。確かにそうだ、、、。最近霊の世界では受け取っているにもかかわらず、現実にはまだ下りてきていないもの多々!!サタンも私たち神の子に、祝福を渡せまいと必死で奪っているのだと。だから私たちは1テサロニケ5:17のように絶えず祈っていなくてはならない。
When I came to Oakland, CA, I finished prayer walk around where we live. But lately, I felt the spiritual heaviness. So I did prayer walk again. Actually, this is the 3rd time ( 2nd time was only purifying by the blood of Jesus). During the walk, the holy spirit told me, how serious the satan is, taking people away from God's grace, so you must keep praying and purifying occasionally. Also when you pray and ask Father in heaven, but before you received the blessings, Satan stole them. That is why in your vision you received what you asked for, but still not receiving your blessing on this earth yet. The enemies work so hard to not let us receive our blessings from God. That is why we have to keep praying without ceasing like 1 thessalonians5:17
When I came to Oakland, CA, I finished prayer walk around where we live. But lately, I felt the spiritual heaviness. So I did prayer walk again. Actually, this is the 3rd time ( 2nd time was only purifying by the blood of Jesus). During the walk, the holy spirit told me, how serious the satan is, taking people away from God's grace, so you must keep praying and purifying occasionally. Also when you pray and ask Father in heaven, but before you received the blessings, Satan stole them. That is why in your vision you received what you asked for, but still not receiving your blessing on this earth yet. The enemies work so hard to not let us receive our blessings from God. That is why we have to keep praying without ceasing like 1 thessalonians5:17
Ok, Praying without ceasing... but what about while I sleep??
My holy spirit told me, just pray and ask ' keep pray for me while I sleep'
When we stop praying or not praying enough, Satan starts to attack us and steal the blessing from our Father in Heaven.
What hit me hard was, when you receive a blessing you are happy, but most of them are stolen by the enemy, so you are actually receiving only part of it.
Let's pray harder and more serious about prayer.
Let's pray harder and more serious about prayer.
And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.
Bible Study Announcement
Time: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 am~
Would you like to join us? Please email at EnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com
パシフィックタイム 火曜日11:30~ と 木曜日11:30~
参加希望の方はEnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com まで。
Email: EnrichmentLoveInJesusChrist@gmail.com
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