Praise and shout to the Lord, Jesus Christ, Our Savior!
Praise and shout to the Lord, Jesus Christ, Our Savior!
~My Social Media~
If you want to research an answer, what would you do?
1) グーグル(インターネットを使う)
Use Google (Internet) and reserch
2) 神様に聞く。
Ask God first
Last week, I went to the Google HQ office for prayer. Before we started a prayer, one of the sisters in Christ send me a message that the Google Chrome logo is representing 666, and at school here in California (which currently switched to learn from home), children have to use a chrome book which the school is providing and not allowing to use other devices. It horrified me when I heard about this because Satan is working to deceive children even using the educational system and mind-controlling.
While we were driving and praying around the Google HQ office, God showed me one vision:
Using Google Chrome, we connect to Satan then become led to hell. Due to this, we are addicted to the internet and can not stop using Google Chrome. We rely on the internet too much, not relying on God makes our priorities change. God told me that it does not matter even you say' I believe Jesus Christ, so it doesn't affect me' or ' I am protected by the blood of Jesus Christ, so I am okay.' Because satan uses Google to deceive us and to addict us.
As of this moment, let's start asking God first and stop relying on the Internet as much! Because we have almighty God!
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
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