But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. ~Matthew 6:33
~My Social Media~
今回のトリップの始まりはアリゾナから!ハウスオブジーザス アリゾナへはガン末期の方が来られていた。もう現代の医療でさえも何もできない状態にいる彼女、、、その中でも唯一の神イエスキリストに信頼を置いている方だった。
In Arizona, the lady who has terminal cancer came to the House of Jesus Arizona and she told us that none of the medication can help her no more, but only God.
After the worship, we prayed for her. She had a major headache due to a brain tumor that also related to her cancer, but once we finished a prayer, she said "I felt that cancer cell was fighting with the prayer very hard and now the headache was completely gone! " Also her right eye's vision (Her vision with the right eye is 45 degrees lean), while we prayed for her vision the first time, God spoke to me "Lean is 20~30 degrees now." And I asked her to open her eyes, guess what! Now her vision is only 20 degrees lean like what God told me. So we prayed over her eyes to complete healing, then Father in heaven spoke to me again saying "According to your faith~" As she opened her eyes again, she said " My vision is getting normal now!! " Hallelujah~, Praise the Lord the highest!
I know in the bible the scripture said Jesus healed the blind men, and I do believe that from my heart. But experiencing the Lord's miracle, I was so speechless. Because this is such an amazing and beautiful act of his mighty works!
PS. 後日、あれからすぐ家に帰って痛みが戻ってきてしまったという話を聞いた。そして神様に訪ねてみた、、、何故かと。あの時は癒されたのに、なぜ??
Ps. A few days later when I was in Texas for ministry, I heard that the lady started experiencing pain again. I asked God, Why? Because she was healed at that time, but what was the reason the pain came back?
Then my holy spirit answered me
She was surely healed. But when she was alone, Satan came back to bring the spirit of doubt in her and she accepted it instead of rejecting. That is why the pain was back.
It makes sense... Our enemies as known as Satan and demons are always walking around us and trying to take God's blessings away from us.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
~House OF Jesus in US Schedule~
11/19 Nashville, Tennesee (HOJ Nashville Worship at 13:00pm)
11/20 Knoxville, Tennesee (Fellowship and Bible Study at TBA)
11/22 Prayer for Alamo mission, TX
11/23 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Worship at 11:00am)
11/24 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Bible Study at TBA)
NEW!! 12/23 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Christmas Worship at TBA)NEW!!
キリストの花嫁のための祈り: 火曜日22:00~23:00 (パシフィックタイム)
Prayer for Brides of Christ: Tuesday 22:00~23:00 (Pacific Time)
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