Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat. ~Matthew10:10
~My Social Media~
10月のことになるが、、、ついに立ち上がった主の宮であるHouse Of Jesus Nashville とHouse Of Jesus Texas!!
Finally, the House of Jesus Nashville and Texas was started in October.
God always does amazing things which are way more than we have expected.
First worship in Nashville was like a retreat for Brides of Jesus Christ to be prepared to become a kingdom builder. First God sent us to the Parthenon which was admitting a curse around the Nashville area for years. Even if it's a replica, we have to stand strong by faith and go for it. The enemy did not want us to take over the Parthenon, so they did whatever it took to stop us. You know what the enemy did to us? It was almost the end, but it suddenly started to rain even if it was a blue sky above us! We immediately rebuked satan that brought rain in Jesus Christ's name. Needless to say, the rain stopped!
そして日曜日には日本人教会のピクニック礼拝に連れて行っていただき、ナッシュビルの主に連なる兄弟姉妹との交わりの時を持つことができた。そこでアリゾナでの癒しの証し、共にまた主の栄光を褒めたたえることができたのだ~!そこに集った方数名が来月のナッシュビルで行われるバイスタ/ HOJ Worshipに集いたい~と言われこの神様の御業の力づよさにもう圧倒~!!!!!神様、あなたは本当にすごいです。あなたの証しによって多くの者が今もなお生きておられるあなたを体験しております~!
On Sunday, I was invited to a picnic worship which was held by a Japanese church in Nashville and I had a blessed time (Like I was sharing God's amazing works in the House of Jesus Arizona, etc) with brothers and sisters there. They are willing to come to join us at the November House of Jesus Nashville. God is so amazing, so many people experienced the living God just because of his mighty works!
House Of Jesus Texasでは、今まで体験したことのない最高の礼拝を捧げることができました~!攻撃もやはり激しかったが天がパカ~んと開けなんと8歳の娘ちゃんの洗礼式も行われた。
In Texas, there was the first worship as House of Jesus Texas. It was just amazing that we could not explain in words. Spiritual warfare was so harsh, but heaven opened widely above us and we all felt the presence of God and the holy spirit. Needless to say, Jesus was with us... Also my firend's 8 year old daughter had her first baptism!! Praise the Lord. She was already blessed with spiritual eyes, but after the baptism, her spiritual eyes even furthered in the spiritual realm.
そしてこのHouse Of Jesus Texasに主から大きなプレゼントが、、、。それがこれ↓
And...... There was a huge gift from the Lord to the House of Jesus Texas↓
Beautiful shofar..... I would like to have one too, Father in Heaven : )
Before we headed to the airport, we were praising and worshipping. My friend who can see in the spiritual world told us that it held the coronation and usually Jesus is wearing his white robe also, but this time he wears formal king attire and handed us his spiritual gifts...
Heading to November Mission trip tomorow~
~House OF Jesus in US Schedule~
11/17 Phoenix, Arizona (HOJ Arizona Worship at 10:30am)
11/19 Nashville, Tennesee (HOJ Nashville Worship at13:00pm)
11/20 Knoxville, Tennesee (Fellowship and Bible Study at TBA)
11/22 Prayer for Alamo mission, TX
11/23 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Worship at 1:00pm)
11/24 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Bible Study at 10:30am)
NEW!! 12/23 Austin, Texas (HOJ Texas Christmas Worship at TBA)NEW!!
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